The word “it” does not exist in Spanish, but there is a way to use that word and is through Direct Object (Objeto Directo).

We simply replace the noun (the object) with the pronoun “lo” (singular) and “los” (plural) if the noun is masculine, or “la” (singular) and “las” (plural) if it is feminine.

Although the order in a common sentence is: Subject + Verb + Object; when we replace the Object (Noun) with the pronoun (to say “it”), the order will be as follows: Subject + “it” (the respective pronoun) + Verb.

And in negative: Subject + No + It + Verb.


María salta la cuerda – María jumps the robe.

Turns to: María la salta – María jumps it.

José acaricia a los perros – José pets the dogs

Turns to: José los acaricia – José pets them.

Juana compra un chicle – Juana buys a bubblegum.

Turns to: Juana lo compra – Juana buys it.

Juan no ve su botella – Juan does not sees his bottle.

Turns to: Juan no la ve – Juan does not sees it.

Juana no quiere oler las flores porque es alérgica – Juana does not wants to smell the flowers because she is allergic to them.

Turns to: Juana no quiere olerlas porque es alérgica – Juana does not wants to smell them because she is allergic to them.

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