
Simona Cardoso de Moraes

Verbum tem bons profesores, ambiente muito agradável e pessoas maravilhosas que gostan de ensinar e compartihlar conhecimiento. Os professors são ótimos; não se atem apenas ao material, busca trazer materiais usado no dia a dia ajudando a aluno a se familharizar com a língua. E os outros estudantes muito interessante pessoas de todo o mundo [...]

By |2014-11-02T01:33:28-03:00Novembre 2nd, 2014|Testimonios|0 Comments

Charles Broughtonn

The course was tailored to our needs and current levels of comprehension and was very flexible in creating a timetable and class hours to fit with our available time. Our teachers were excellent; showing patience, enthusiasm and encouragement. With their guidance we greatly improved our understanding of the language.

By |2014-10-14T01:47:10-03:00Ottobre 14th, 2014|Australia, Testimonios|0 Comments