We discovered that many of our students are very good at writing poems in Spanish. Here I want to share some of the poems that they have written.

Spanish school - Verbum - homework This is a photo that Stephen took of his homework. Isn´t it lovely? Stephen loves taking photos and filming. I recommend you to visit his video of Buenos Aires on the go in Buenos Aires There you will be also able to listen to his favourite song in Spanish, “Andar conmigo” (Walking with me) by Julieta Venegas.

And talking about songs, after listening to a song of Manu Chao called “Me gustas tú” (I like you), Davi Santos (from San Carlos, Brazil) wrote this poem that he read for all his last class´day.

“El castellano a mí
ahora me parece más bello,
y la gran ciudad,

Yo siempre contestaba “sí”
al perro, gato y abuela;
pero ahora
les escribo un pequeño poema.

Tengo 46 motivos
para que me guste el avión
y su cielo azul;
pero como soy temeroso
je suis perdu…

No soy Manu Chao,
por eso no tengo barco;
mañna me voy en micro,
je suis perdu!!!

Preguntas si estoy triste.
Volver es siempre bueno,
por eso siempre digo:
me siento bien y mal.

Mientras el mundo gira,
voy a dar también mis vueltas.
Acá espero completar la mía
antes que él complete la suya.”

(October 5 th, 2006)
Spanish school - Verbum - At the school

Chris, from Germany, wrote a poem dedicated to a difficult verb tense… el subjuntivo (subjunctive tense):

Mi subjuntivo querido
cuando te empiece a usar,
habrá deseos, dudas y sentimientos.

Espero que un día seamos amigos.
No creo que vayas a rechazarme más.
Ojalá que ese día venga pronto,
pues me encanta lo que vos expresás.

Para que se te use más frecuentemente,
hay que fijarse y también que practicar.
Pero yo sé que vos valés esa pena
y nunca voy a dejar de intentar.

February 16 th, 2007

Jailsão, who considered himself “brasileño de nacimiento, argentino de corazón” (brazilian of birth, argentinian of heart) wrote us a poem telling what he likes much. We also want to thank him because his last class´day, he went to the school´s kitchen to prepare a caipirinha for all of us and we love it!
Jailsão gave us a cd of brazilian music. We listened to it in our last asado (barbecue). Jailsão´s class mates were very excited about listening to that cd (althought Jailsão was not longer with us) because all of us have a good memory of him and his brazilian joy. And the cd is very good!
Here his poem:

“Me encantan las calles de Buenos Aires,
me encantan las personas de Buenos Aires,
me encanta el clima de Buenos Aires,
me encanta el ritmo de Buenos Aires.

Me encanta la comida argentina,
me encanta la música argentina.

Me encanta el español,
me encanta la escuela Verbum,
me encantan las profesoras de Verbum,
me encantan los alumnos de Verbum.

Pero una persona tan nacionalista como yo,
no puede amar tanto otro país.
¡Por eso me encanta ser argentino!!!

February 23 th, 2007

Spanish school - Verbum - At the school Stephen and I at the school